Capture, Share & apply

Accelerate your work with a brand portal

Capture your brand identity in the digital corporate identity guide ID Brand Book. Manage and share multimedia files through the ID Mediabank. And enable everyone in your organisation to create on-brand expressions quickly and easily with ID Templates. Always on-brand and professional.

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Our ID Solutions

With our ID Brand Portal software, everyone in your organisation becomes the sender of powerful, authentic and on-brand messages. Give your colleagues the right and user-friendly tools to create professional, authentic and recognisable communication tools. Both from the office and from home.


ID Brand Book                   ID Publications

ID Mediabank                    ID Events

ID Templates                     ID Service

ID Template Builder

Our ID solution for capturing your brand identity

Start at the beginning. Provide a solid foundation and capture brand guidelines for colour, logo and font use in a digital platform.

ID Brand Book

ID Webshop

Our ID solution for sharing & managing brand building blocks

Manage and access all the digital content that make up your brand in one central, easy-to-use portal. From images, videos, logos and fonts to ready-made expressions for all channels. Both online and offline.

ID Mediabank

ID File Transfer

ID Microsites

Our ID solution for applying your brand

Bring guidelines and building blocks together in templates for online and offline expressions. Give your colleagues the ability to create their own on-brand content at lightning speed, while saving costs and securing the corporate identity.

ID Template Builder

ID Newsletter

Email signature & ID Digicards

Curious? Request a demo!

Request a free, no-obligation demo account and look around our operational Capital ID Brand Portal. 


  • How to create professional content in just a few minutes and without experience

  • How to use Digital Asset Management to give all your colleagues access to the right brand building blocks

  • How to visually present a strong brand story

  • How user-friendly and accessible the ID Brand Portal is

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